Saturday, February 24, 2007


The Season of Lent started this past Wednesday with Ash Wednesday. It is a time to prepare ourselves for our Lord's loving sacrifice for us on the cross. It is traditional to give up something for Lent as a symbol of this sacrifice. I am giving up french fries for Lent. What are you giving up? Leave me a comment or send me an email to tell me what you are sacrificing for Lent.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Happy Feet Macarena

My first attempt at posting a youtube video to the blog. Enjoy!

Monday, February 19, 2007


Thanks to Alex for pointing out the search engine It appears to be a yahoo-based search engine that you use just like yahoo, google , or other search engine. The only difference is it allows you to support a charity that has signed up to be supported. So if you want an easy way to support Carolina Cross Connection, all you have to do is enter your search and enter Carolina Cross Connection in the charity field and off you go. Each search gnerates $0.01 and since January CCC has raised over $76. So get your goodsearch on!

Saturday, February 17, 2007


I've got a new game to try out tomorrow night at youth group. I think it will be fun and it is certainly much better than that partner game. Also I've got a new song to try out. Hope to see everybody there. And if you are looking for another chance to sing, come to the sunday school class in the fellowship hall at 9:45. We do lots of music and it is fun.

Sunday, February 11, 2007


I wanted to thank everyone for all of their hard work this past week parking cars at the circus. I know that it was freezing cold but with all of your efforts we were able to raise a new record amount for our circus parking fundraiser so that was great work. If this really was our last year being able to do this (and I really believe it was even though I said the samething this year but this time I really feel like it was the last time), then we certainly went out in style.

I also wanted to thank everyone for their help and participation and leadership in the love worship service we did tonight. I think it really came off well and I amvery proud of everyone. We had a pretty good turnout (see I told you people would come) and everyone seemed to be impressed with your efforts. So a big Valentines I love you from me for everything y'all did this week. Bravo!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Circus parking got off to a successful and freezing cold start tonight. We parked a lot of cars despite Tosco not wearing any socks and Alex not knowing what time to be there and having to listen to the meanest shrillest loudest traffic cop that I have ever heard. But we had a giant sign and we filled the lot up by the time we left and on well on our way to a successful fundraiser. Hopefully Thursday will be even better. It will still be cold so bundle up!

Oh and I guess I should begrudgingly add that yes UNC beat Duke. So I will probably be in a bad mood the rest of the week.


I couldn't take no more of that picture of Princess so here's a group shot of us at CCC-Loy White. Hopefully it will inspire and motivate you to get ready for CCC this summer.

Saturday, February 03, 2007


Instead maybe we should call it something like the football game between the Bears and the Colts to decide who is the champion of the league with the backwards thinking copyright laws. If not and it we watch it on my new big TV, then we might get in trouble with the NFL like this church did

I guess we'll chance it and if I get a letter from the NFL's attorneys then I guess I'll have to find a good lawyer somewhere. See everybody for the game!


OK that picture of Princess from CCC-Loy White is just begging for us to post some captions to describe that picture in the comments. So fire away!