Saturday, January 27, 2007


Well I got kind of tired of looking at my picture in that orangey red polka dot shirt as it looks worse and worse the more you look at it. So I decided I would change the picture and continue to randomly change pictures every so often so it would be a surprise for you to check the blog to see what picture might be there. Do y'all remember being connected by yarn (and by love) at last year's ski trip? Check back to see what the next picture will be. It might even be a picture of you!

Friday, January 26, 2007


The past few Sundays Pastor Brian has asked different people at church to speak for a couple of minutes during the church service about different ministry opportunities going on at church. This Sunday I will be speaking about our youth ministry. It would be really cool and I would be very appreciative if everyone would try to come to church to support me and also so I can show you all off to the rest of the congregation. So sleep in on Saturday but get yourself to church Sunday morning. See you there.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


"I believe in God the Father Almighty"

Isn't it great to know that our God who is so awesome, who is eternal, all knowing, ever present, so mighty and powerful--the ultimate superhero--still loves us like a father and offers us compassion and forgiving and cunconditional love and provides us with all we need and only asks that we put our faith and trust in Him.

Sunday, January 21, 2007


After much thought and prayer I have decided to keep this blog where it is and keep it going. But I have got some new colors and a most excellent picture of myself, so that is cool. For like the third or fourth time, I am making a resolution to be more FAITHFUL in posting stuff more often so check it out and hold me to it.

We had a great group tonight. It was a lot of fun and I am really excited for a new year. I can't wait to see everybody next Sunday and I am really looking forward to our live singing next Sunday night. I hope and pray that everybody is safe in this weather. Have a great week!


It took me awhile but here are some pictures from the ski trip. These are pretty good but the rap videos for God we did are even better!