Monday, October 30, 2006


I've never been so proud of you, Princess!


We had scary finger cookies and a creepy cook-out and y'all had scary spooky movie trivia knowledge and pictionary abilities. And who can forget our impromptu field trip and costume parade. I personally thought Matt and Renee had the most creative costumes but the popular vote shows it is hard not to vote for a man in a purple princess dress! Here's some pictures with some more pictures to follow.

Monday, October 16, 2006


Gregg Easterbrook in his TMQ column from discusses the
"homework conspiracy"

Valerie Strauss of the Washington Post reported that new studies by Duke University's Program on Education conclude, "Elementary school students receive no benefit from homework." The new book "The Homework Myth" by Alfie Kohn comes to the same conclusion, adding that in middle school more than 90 minutes of homework per night, and in high school more than two hours per night, backfire by reducing grades and test scores. The reasons are plain as the nose on your face -- too much homework leaves kids tired in the morning and makes them sick of education, while denying the time they need to goof off and be kids. Yet despite research showing large amounts of homework actively injurious to education, homework requirements have been rising steadily in public schools.

So tell your teachers that your grades and test scores will be better if they would quit giving you as much homework--even smart people that wrote books think so. See Sarah, at least one good thing has come out of Duke. So tell your teachers you will be doing less homeowrk so that you can do more fun stuff like youth group (but you didn't hear it from me).

Friday, October 13, 2006


"Faith is not belief without proof, faith is obedience without reservation."

This quote from my Disciple Bible study lesson this past week really stuck out to me. Faith is more than a blind belief in something. We can all say that we have faith in Jesus Christ but it is through our obedient actions to Him that we really prove our faithfulness.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


All of that and more was involved at youth group tonight. We made a mess with the shredded paper but hopefully all that "rubbish" we made will remind you what "rubbish" in our life we shold strive to give up to be disciples of Christ so that we can have the ultimate GAIN. Congrats to our ping pong champion. Your prize: you get to take on Jonathan next time you are both at youth group. I learned some things about y'all tonight--you don't really like to sing slow songs but you do like to dress up in costumes. So I'll have to keep in mind for future youth group activities.

Remember this is CROP Walk week and right now we have only reached approximately $600 of our $1,000 goal so work hard this week to try to raise more donations. I will call everyone this week to confirm who will be CROP waking, um I mean walking, this Sunday. Remember that we are planning on leaving from church a little after 1:00 to get some lunch before heading to First Horizon Park for the walk. That should give most of you an opportunity after church to go home and change into your walking clothes and meet me back at church. If you don't have time to go home or don't need to after church, then we can make plans for anyone to hang out with me or whatever until we get together. Oh and I'm up for crazy dressing up for the walk if anyone else is--I got this bright polka dot shirt that I never get to wear!