Monday, August 28, 2006


Last night was our first youth group meeting of the school year and even though our numbers were down a little bit and most of our returning kids couldn't come it was a great time and I am excited about the new year. We got to learn some truths and lies about each other (I can't believe y'all thought I used to be a cheerleader) and then we got our sing and dance on. That was fun and I hope everybody liked it--I could actually hear some of y'all singing by the end of that second song. But really it is hard not to be enthusiastic when Tosco is dancing! And didn't you like my homemade clothesline? I've got some more songs for next time and it should be fun. Then we started our journey that we will continue during the fall semester of answering the question: who do you say Jesus is? Your Messiah forecasts certainly did produce some good and interesting artwork. I'm ready for next time already.

Some dates to keep in mind: remember next week is Labor Day weekend and we will not be meeting. September 10 is Mission Sunday and we will be serving lunch at the Mission Fair following church service. I'll be recruited youth and parents to help prepare, cook, and serve lunch. And finally CROP WALK is coming up soon--it is October 8 which is only about a month away so it is already time to start getting people to sponsor us.

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