Thursday, September 08, 2005


Well I understand some of you were confused by the Mayberry postcard. Imagine my confusion after reading your comments since I did not see the postcard and had no idea what you were talking about. Alex, I searched and searched this site looking for somewhere that I mentioned Mayberry and never could find anything so I just gave up and figured it was some sort of joke that I was too old to get.

But now I have heard about the postcard and it makes more sense and hopefully this will explain some things to you. The youth sunday school class will be doing a video Bible study series featuring Andy Griffith. You know who that is, right? Matlock. Anyway, he had a show before that called the Andy Griffith show that was set in the town of Mayberry. You have heard of that haven't you? You aren't that young are you? If you haven't heard of it, ask your parents or better yet ask your grandparents. I am sure that they loved it.

So you aren't going to literally have to go to Mayberry for sunday school. But you will have the opportunity to travel there in spirit. I encourage all of you to come to the sunday school class and check out the video series. All of us can benefit from more Bible study. And since this series is in video form there will be a lot less reading involved than when I use to teach the class. So Emily should like that. And as an added bonus (0r incentive), breakfast will be available during your sunday school class. You got to eat breakfast anyway before church so you should come.

There will be a sunday school kickoff event this sunday starting at 9:15. Refreshments will be served and you will have a chance to learn more about the sunday school classes and hear more about the other offerings from IPUMC's new education coordinator Jerrie Ann Edgerton.

See y'all Sunday!

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