Sunday, July 31, 2005


If you haven't heard already, the Austins have again graciously offered their place at High Rock Lake for us to have a weekend of sun and fun before returning to school. We will be going on Friday August 19 and returning Sunday August 21 in time to go to church together. Not only will this be a great way to celebrate the end of summer but it will be an opportunity to fellowship and gear up for youth group for the next school year. I hope as many people as possible will come. Space is limited so if you want to go you need to get in touch with Jonathan and Jennifer to let them know. If you are not going you better have a good reason like getting your wisdom teeth pulled! Jonathan and Jennifer are planning the event and will be taking everyone up Friday evening since i am still getting adjusted with the new baby. But I plan on coming up Saturday and spending the day with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone is planning on coming to the lake